Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A VERY Hooked Up Old Guy...

so... i stopped into the store the at the end of last week.... and it felt like the best Christmas I ever had!!! only a few weeks ago i stopped in and picked up my new road bike.... sweeeettt.... and it's really fast!!!! even though i've only ridden it on the trainer.... and last week i picked up my mountain bike... sweeeeeetttttt.... the new Trek Top Fuel 9.9.... light, smooth, beautiful.... and i'm sure really fast also!!!
so with a huge smile on my face i make my way for the door.... "Man Barnes... this is awesome!!!".... and then barry finds a box with my name on it... FULL of tires ... "OK.... this is getting even better!!!".... and then barry passes me my new shoes... WHITE Bontrager RXL's... AND a few pairs of gloves.... AND some arm warmers and Stan's.... "So.. if i stand here longer, will barry also slide me a TTX?".... after 15 years of racing, i have never been so well taken care of... now on Trek Canada.... only 5 of us since Emily has hit the Bigger than Big Leagues with Trek World
(congrats.... and also congrats to Mark for hitting the Big Leagues with his new team Spider-tech PB Planet Energy....)
.... all the more reason to put my head down on the trainer and watch the sweat drip onto the floor.... i'm smiling already...

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